Unveiling Imani-Resilience
In the heart of Uganda, where the vibrant rhythms of life and the enchanting beauty of its people paint a captivating tapestry, a powerful narrative is unfolding. It's the story of Imani-Resilience, a groundbreaking project that aims to rekindle hope, empower lives, and embrace the brilliance within the hearts of young people.
Projects we are focusing on
Early Childhood Education for every Ugandan
Creative Arts Therapy
Imani-Resilience commits itself to helping students receive a quality education regardless of socioeconomic status, race, or geographic location. The organization engages parents to actively support their children’s education.
The objective is to raise awareness about mental health through creative arts therapy (CAT) in primary schools, secondary schools, universities, and the general public in Uganda.
Schools & University Mental Health Program
Parents' Mental health awareness workshops
Through workshops, counseling services, peer support groups, and educational initiatives, students gain valuable skills to navigate stress, build resilience, and foster positive mental health habits. Additionally, educators and staff receive training and resources to recognize signs of distress, offer support, and promote a culture of mental health awareness and acceptance.
These workshops provide a platform for parents to gain insights into various aspects of mental health, equipping them with valuable knowledge, skills, and resources to support their children's emotional development effectively. By raising awareness about topics such as stress management, resilience-building, and effective communication within the family unit, these workshops empower parents to create nurturing environments where their children can thrive emotionally and mentally.
Your help is instrumental in providing young people in Uganda access to the mental health services & education they deserve
Imani Resilience
+256 783455758 | +256 778 253209
All rights Reserved to Imani Resilience Company Limited